Category: Early Retirement (Page 2 of 2)

The Power of Doubling Money

My wife and I stayed at this picturesque rice farm in Laos in 2014. And yes, it relates to the post!

Gather round kids, it’s story time.

Normally, when I say “story time” in the class, you can almost guarantee that there will be at least one audible groan. You can’t please them all. Secretly though, I think they like my stories.

But this is not my story. This is a folktale from India called “One Grain of Rice” by Demi.

It is a very powerful lesson on the monstrous power of doubling your money. It will help us understand how we can get our money working for us. That way we can double our money faster.

It will also connect to important financial concepts such as compounding interest and “the rule of 72”.

These ideas are keys for how I plan to retire from teaching in 5 years.

As you may know from my introduction, last year I came down with a serious case of teacher burnout. Since then, I have discovered the world of early retirement and it has given me hope. Hope, and the feeling that I can now persevere.

If you are suffering from teacher burnout and you want to tip the scales of hope in your favor, then you are absolutely in the right place.

First, let’s get to the story. You may also better understand how I chose my name!

One Grain of Rice

If you want to have the story read to you on Youtube, here is the link.

Here is another teacher reading One Grain of Rice.

Summary of the Story

If you have not read the story for yourself yet, here is a basic summary…

Long ago in India, a greedy raja, whose province was largely comprised of rice farms, decided he would take and store all of the rice for himself. He convinced himself that he was doing it for the greater good and would then return the rice when times of famine descended.

Then, times of famine descended. The raja reneged on his promise.

One day, during this famine, the greedy raja ordered a feast for himself (Of course he did! Why wouldn’t he?). As the elephants were transporting the large quantities of rice from the storehouse to the palace, a village girl, Rani, noticed that some was spilling from the baskets.

Rani is our very clever protagonist.

She collects the rice in her skirt. Rather than keeping it, she returns it to the raja.

The raja, still fashioning himself as magnanimous, decides to reward Rani for returning “his” rice.

Rani simply requests one, yes one, grain of rice as her reward.

The Raja, wanting to feel benevolent, and perhaps looking down somewhat condescendingly on Rani, insists that she request more than one lowly grain of rice.

The trap was now set. If he insists right?

Rani changes her request. She still asks for the single grain of rice, but she asks that the quantity double each day for 30 days.

On day 1, one grain of rice. Day 2, she’d get two grains of rice. Day 3, she gets four grains of rice. Day 4, eight grains of rice and so on until day 30.

The raja, not suspecting a thing, and a little perplexed by such a modest request, agrees.

That very day Rani got her first grain of rice. Then she received two grains of rice, then four grains, and then eight grains in each successive day. Each day it doubled.

By the ninth day she received 256 grains of rice. All told this made 511 grains. This is only enough for a small handful of rice. The raja pitied her and her simple mind for only getting a small handful of rice after 9 days.

On the 13th day she was given 4,096 grains of rice. About one bowl. Now is when the numbers start to get very interesting and the power of doubling begins to unveil itself.

Day Sixteen – 32, 768 grains of rice received. That’s about one full bag. The raja begins to take notice, but is still not concerned.

Day Twenty-One – 32 bags of rice collected. That’s1, 048, 576 grains of rice or about one basket.

Day Twenty-Four – 8 baskets of rice received. 8,388,608 grains of rice. That’s 256 bags of rice.

Day Twenty-Seven – 64 baskets of rice were carried by 32 Brahma bulls. The raja is now officially troubled as the reality of the request begins to dawn on him.

Day Twenty-Nine – Rani was given the amount of rice equal to two royal store houses.

Day Thirty – The final day! 256 elephants (all pictured in a foldout section of the book) were needed to carry the contents of the final four remaining store houses. That’s 536,870,912 grains of rice! All told the total adds up to over 1 billion grains of rice.

Defeated, the greedy raja found himself completely out of rice. Rani distributed the rice back to the people of the province. She also gave a basket of rice to the raja. She made him promise that, from here on out, he will only take the amount of rice that he needs.

Humbled, the raja agreed. From then on, the raja becomes truly fair and just and the people live happily in his province.

The end.

Take-Aways from the Story

Besides wondering how possible it is to accurately count out so many hundreds of millions of grains of rice in the final days, there are a few powerful math concepts we can take away from this story.

These math concepts, when applied to our own personal finance, can begin to illustrate how we can retire much earlier than you may have been planning.

First Take-Away: The Power of Doubling!

Even knowing the outcome of the story, I am still always impressed with how quickly and massively those numbers grow. Starting with numbers like, 1, 2 and 4 it’s hard to imagine that, by the end of only 30 days, the number will be 536,870,912.

I want to harness the power of doubling with my own personal finances. Teachers that do so can get on the fast track to early retirement. But accumulating wealth is only one of the ingredients for personal finance.

We will get into all of them more thoroughly in future posts!

Second Take-Away: Little Amounts can Add up Quickly!

This speaks for itself. However, understanding this concept and actually applying it are two different things.

How many times, like me, have you marveled at how inexpensive an item is on Amazon? Then, like me, you mindlessly click “Buy Now” and go about your business until the package arrives a few days later?

One idea I hope to illustrate with this blog is this: Just like the rice, small amounts of money, when properly harnessed, can add up to large, life-changing amounts.

Take-Away #3 – An Introduction to Compounding Interest

The story doesn’t directly address Compounding Interest. But when you are discussing doubling your money, compounding interest is very much a catalyst.

Compounding interest is a driving force behind what makes our money grow and double more rapidly.

I will go into this more in-depth in the next post. And honestly, it’s not essential to understand. As long as my money is growing, you can tell me it’s magical elves right?

Essentially, though, it’s what happens when you earn interest on your interest.

If you earn 8% interest per year on $100, then after one year you’ll have $108 right? The next year you earn interest on the $108 so you earn interest on the previous year’s interest in addition to the initial $100.

Stated another way, the interest you earn on the $8 from the previous year is the compound interest.

It sounds small, but over time, we’ll see it can add up to huge amounts.

Lesson #4 – An Introduction to the Rule of 72

I will also discuss this in another post. It is directly related to Compound Interest.

The more times I see something the better I understand it. I’m hoping that it helps you as well.

Essentially, this rule tells you how quickly your money will double.

If you know how much interest you will earn, this rule (really it’s a guideline) tells you how many years it will take your money to double.

How it works:

72 ÷ interest rate = years to double

Always start with 72. Then divide by the interest rate you will earn. The result is the number of years it will take your money to double!

Example One: In the 80’s, I had a bank account that had an amazing 8% savings rate.

At that rate, my money doubled about every 9 years.

72÷8 = 9 (years to double)

Example Two: If you have a 12% interest rate, about how long would it take your money to double?

72÷12 = 6 (years to double)

It would take 6 years for your money to double at an interest rate of 12%

This is the rule of 72, and is a very helpful rule to know in the world of personal finance.

In Summary

Rani understood the massive power of doubling and she used her understanding to outwit the raja.

Afterall, who would suspect that measly sums of rice such as 1, 2 and 4 could ever amount to store houses filled with rice?

This story perfectly illustrates the power of doubling, and hopefully shows how beneficial it can be to apply it to our personal finances.

Maybe, like me, you suffer from teacher burnout? Maybe you just want to direct your life energy in other ways? Whatever the case, harnessing the power of doubling can drastically change your retirement outlook.

And if, like me, earning your full teacher pension after 30 years was too daunting, perhaps you can cut number down to a much more manageable number.

That might give you a little hope. It certainly did for me.

If this interests you, check out the plan I lay out for early retirement or just visit my early retirement page and find something that suits you.

Thanks for reading everyone. Please don’t hesitate to contact me or just leave a comment below. I’m very happy to try to help a fellow teacher (or anyone else for that matter) and will do my very best to do so!

Teacher’s Pet – Compounding Interest!

woman in white coat standing beside black and white dog on green grass field during daytime
Retired teacher with their pet? Looks Nice!

Compounding interest has such a monstrous impact on a teacher’s financial outlook that it’s worth an entire post on its own. You don’t need to understand it, but if it’s going to allow us to retire early, it’s probably worth a look.

Perhaps more importantly, knowing about its power will probably change your relationship with money. It certainly did for me!

In the last post, we referenced compounding interest and it’s impact on doubling your money. Give it a look here, if you haven’t already, then come back.

It probably goes without saying but the more times you double your money, the faster it grows. Compounding interest is the catalyst that gets your money doubling at a much higher rate.

Example of Compounding Interest

Here’s an example of compounding interest with numbers just to let us see it and understand it better.

On average, and for the purposes of this example, invested money returns about 8% interest per year. That’s the rate we’ll use.

That means if you invest 100 dollars. After the first year you would have $108 dollars. The second year however, you would NOT have only 8 more dollars (or $116 total).

100 us dollar bill
Watch Compounding Interest do it’s work on $100!

Why? Because of compounding interest! You also are earning 8% on the 8 dollars of interest you earned last year. In the second year, you earn 8% of $108.

Instead, after year 2, you would have $116.64.

I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking, “Yay! 64 more cents! Let me throw a flipping parade! I’ll pay off my mortgage and my student loans in one fell swoop. I’ll book a flight to Tahiti and buy one of the neighboring islands while I’m there! Hooray for the Teacher Double! Let’s hoist him on our shoulders and celebrate him!”

Are you done? Can I finish?

“What ever shall I do,” you continue, “with the money left over after buying the island with the 64 cents I earned from this magical sorcery we call compounding interest? Perhaps I can end world hunger? Or maybe I should provide the necessary infrastructure to all countries in need throughout the world? Maybe I’ll do both?”

Really? Can I go on yet?

Thank you. Bringing us back and fast forwarding a bit, we’ll see compounding interest start to take effect.

Back to the Facts!

Essentially, after 9 years of compounding interest your money will have doubled to $200. Without compounding interest it would equal $172 for a difference of $28.

And before you go off on another sarcastic diatribe, let’s forge on. With compounding interest your money doubles every 9 years. Without it, it takes 12.5 years. That will prove to be crucial over time.

After 18 years, your money, with compounding interest (CI), has doubled again to $400. Without it, it’s $344. I know, not very compelling. But remember the raja from the story in the last post! We need to keep doubling to see the power of it!

Check out this table below on the effects of Compounding Interest (CI) over time.

Time in Years
(# of Doubles with CI)
Amount with CIAmount w/out CI
0 years (0 doubles)$100$100
9 years (1 double)$200$172
18 years (2 doubles)$400$344
27 years (3 doubles)$800$416
36 years (4 doubles)$1,600$488
45 years (5 doubles)$3,200$560 (slightly over 2 doubles)
$100 over time (at 8% interest rate) with and without Compounding Interest (CI)

As you can see the effects become more dramatic over time. It turns out time is another key ingredient that works in conjunction with the compounding interest.

The more time, the more we double.

By the end of the table there is an appreciable difference between the two figures. The one with compounding interest doubled 5 times compared to just over 2 without it.

Now let’s look at, through the eyes of a teacher, what happens when we put more than $100 to work.

A Teacher’s Reaction to A Compounding Example

Last school year, somewhere after the time I decided I was too burnt out to continue teaching, but before the school year ended, I discovered the FIRE (Financial Independence Retire Early) movement and it changed my whole outlook on my career.

blue and white happy birthday print stone
Understanding personal finance has given me hope, which is no small thing!

Now, rather than burning the candle on both ends for 18 years until I reached my full retirement, I suddenly had a vision to be able to retire in 5-9 years (if that’s what I wanted to do).

I was so excited about it that I organized a few gatherings with my colleagues to hash out some ideas. In one of the gatherings we talked about compounding interest.

I kicked off this meeting by giving one of my colleagues, Mary, a hypothetical situation. Mary’s that tough-love, no BS, kind of teacher that students’ respect/love and her fellow teachers adore. She’s also a ham and was nearest to retirement (mid 50’s?). In short, I thought she’d be a good candidate for the little scenario I was about to give her.

It turns out she was a perfect candidate. There is no way I could capture the brilliance of her performance in writing. A summary will have to suffice, but see if you can envision it.

The Hypothetical Comes to Life!

I called Mary up to the front of our meeting and gave her a hypothetical scenario.

The scenario was this: Mary, Imagine that you are able to go back in time and observe and interact with your 18 year-old self. On that particular day, a stranger comes and presents your 18-year old self with 2 manila envelopes. One of the envelopes, the stranger explains, is stuffed with $10,000 cash the other contains a check made out for $250,000 that can only be cashed once you turn 60. You see your 18-year-old self reaching for the envelope of cash. What do you do?

Her Reaction?

smiling girl in black and white striped shirt
Mary was angry with her former self!

Immediately, Mary’s face got red with anger and her eyes flashed with fiery madness.

“YOU EFFING IDIOT!” she screamed at she grabbed her imaginary self by the ear and started dragging her around the classroom.

Afterwards, most people would swear that they could actually see this imaginary 18-year old Mary being taken to task.

“What the eff are you going to do with that money huh? ” she continued. “Are you going to buy ‘cigarettes and cool clothes and drinks(the drinking age was 18 then)’ for all your friends? Huh? Answer me!”

And she was off! She continued verbally berating and eviscerating her former self before our very eyes. She may have blacked out with anger and forgot we were there. I’m not sure, but it certainly went on for a while.

Finally, her voiced softened to a creepily sweet tone as she stroked the hair of this imaginary being she knew so well. “Or maybe you just want a car? Is that what you want dear? Do you just want to fit in and feel accepted by your friends and you think a car will do that for you right?”

Imaginary Mary sadly nodded her head (I swear it!).

“WRONG!” she exploded. “Now get your butt over there and grab that check or I will smack you into next week!”

After things settled (it took a while!) the point was right there for the plucking…

What’s the Take-Away?

Ultimately, I think the main take-way is this: The financial decisions we make today, have a monumental impact on our financial future.

Mary might have said it like this though: “Don’t spend your money on frivolous crap. It’ll come back and haunt you later.”

man standing in the middle of woods
The financial decisions we make now can lead to very different financial destinations later!

Either way you say it I think the math supports it.

Call up any compounding interest calculator on Google. If you put in $10,000 and let it grow at 8% interest (the average rate of return from the market) for 42 years (from Mary’s 18th year to her 60th year) you will have over $250,000 sitting there.

That’s no small thing! And remember Mary’s reaction? It was visceral and it was palpable! She knew her younger self would squander that money away leaving her less options later.

In a matter of minutes, Mary taught us an essential lesson through her past financial mistakes. I want to learn from those so I don’t have the same regrets later.

Take Care of your Future Self!

I think it’s absolutely imperative to look down the line at our future selves and try our best to take care of that person. Teaching is a demanding job, and if the conditions are not favorable, it can take a heavy toll on us.

I’ve found it exceedingly helpful to be able to take a step back this year and regroup. Essentially, rather than buying material goods with my money, I am buying time.

Look after your future self when making financial decisions!

This idea of “buying time” is definitely worth a future post that I’ll link to here when it’s done.

For now, I hope that the example (10,000 turning into 250,000) illustrates that those little amounts really can add up to huge sums.

But here’s the thing! In that example the person only did a one time down payment of $10,000 and never added to it again!

What would happen if we added even more to it each year as our salary increases? Hint: The number will be a lot bigger! We’ll do specifics later as well.

And just to be clear, I just came to this conclusion mere months ago. That means my past is littered with spending regrets. You simply can’t go down this road without regrets and you can only change the decisions you make moving forward. Don’t sweat it. You’re in good company!

I hope this post and the future ones help to illustrate the power of saving your money and submitting it to the massive power of compounding interest.

Thanks for reading and, as always, I’d love to hear your thoughts on the matter. All questions and comments are welcome below!

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